Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Cycle of Unwanted Christmas Gifts

As the first semester finally began to conclude, my AP Chemistry teacher graciously offered my classmates and I a gift: the gift of an extensive Christmas break homework assignment. As he projected the long, unnecessary assignment, I wrinkled my nose in disgust, wondering why he would even think to assign homework. Then I remembered that the class I'm taking isn't an ordinary chemistry class, but an AP Chemistry class. Now, it's times like these that make me want to drop the class, but unlike the nearly dozen students that have already dropped, I can't. And I won't.

Now did I ever want homework over Christmas break? Of course not. Is it necessary for me to better my understanding of Chemistry? To perform well in the class? Of course. But still, I don't want to spend my Christmas break busting out an extensive list of Chemistry problems.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to turn down gifts, but when a cycle continues with an unwanted Christmas gift, that's when I'll straight up refuse it. So the first of these gifts, as already mentioned, was my extensive homework assignment, which I don't want to post for the sake of your misery (as well as my own.)

The second unwanted Christmas gift I received soon after my teacher "gifted" my classmates and I with homework was the dreaded final. As I prepared for the final exam, I couldn't help but tell myself, "It never ends. It never, and I mean never ends." And it really doesn't, I mean, I got Christmas break homework. Homework. But over Christmas break. Anyway, besides writing this post, I've spent the last three hours of my day finishing that dread assignment.

Back to the final. Now, a cycle follows this "gift." It starts with the teachers, who are required to
create a final exam. (A grueling task I know I wouldn't want to do, and I'm sure the teachers aren't thrilled about either.) The laboriously created final exam is then administered to the students, who under constant scrutiny are to complete these exams. Timed. Closely. Precisely. After completion, or in my case for the AP Chemistry exam,  near completion, (who am I kidding I wasn't even close to finishing), the exams are returned, that is, "regifted" to the teachers for grading. Another unwanted, unforgiving task. And the cycle never ends, because, well, it's a cycle. A cycle that will be repeated again before summer, a cycle I'm so thrilled to participate in. Splendid.